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Dirk Thomas

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The best way to free yourself from temptation is to give in to it.
Sep 25th @ 5:59pm EDT
my contry!
society in my country Colombia, there is so much prejudice towards homosexuality as there are in other Overseas countries here have much respect for the choices that each takes because everyone makes his life better what you think in my country you enjoy my homosexuality freely and without restrictions you all really are vegan and guests to enjoy all that my country has to offer his fibula and beautiful places to visit ... the only risk here that there is wanting to stay ... and fabor whether to visit my country tell me to be a guide to teach you everything and so nice and wonderful that my country has to offer .. so you know that you are all welcome and you can always count with me to help them with everything they need and everything you can ... so my friends come and visit this country and also clear to me: D.. hey my friends thank you very much for all your help and for your company! do not know how important this is for me! :)You are all my very important and I hope to meet you one day and share a good time with you live and not only that if you really get to know them! and enjoy your company! thank you very much all my friends ..
Sep 18th @ 6:05pm EDT
Un equipo hall una asociacin entre el sndrome de piernas inquietas y la aparicin de enfermedad cardaca en las mujeres, lo que sugiere que esas personas deberan tomar precauciones extras. Pero estos resultados contradicen a estudios previos y un especialista consider que es demasiado pronto para preocuparse."Hasta ahora, las pruebas no son suficientemente convincentes como para decirle a la poblacin 'Si tiene piernas inquietas, debera preocuparse por la enfermedad cardaca'", dijo el doctor Tobias Kurth, director de investigacin del Instituto Nacional Francs para la Salud y la Investigacin Mdica, Bordeaux.El sndrome de piernas inquietas o SPI es un conjunto de sensaciones molestas en las piernas que causan una necesidad incontrolable de moverlas. Es un trastorno neurolgico, pero dado que los sntomas son tan vagos, se desconoce cundo debera considerarse una enfermedad. Por eso varan las estimaciones de la frecuencia de la enfermedad desde unos pocos puntos porcentuales a casi un cuarto de la poblacin.Los resultados publicados en Circulation, de la Asociacin Estadounidense del Corazn, surgen del conocido Nurses' Health Study, en el que se siguieron a 70.000 mujeres desde el 2002, cuando ninguna tena enfermedad cardaca, hasta el 2008.El equipo no hall relacin entre el SPI y la enfermedad cardaca, pero las mujeres a las que se les diagnostic el trastorno por lo menos tres aos antes del inicio del estudio tenan un nivel de riesgo cardaco elevado.La mortalidad por enfermedad cardaca de ese grupo fue del 3,5 por ciento por dcada, comparada con el 1,7 por ciento en el grupo sin SPI. Adems, el grupo con el sndrome era ms propenso a tener infartos no fatales.El doctor Xiang Gao, que dirigi el estudio, consider que la investigacin no prueba que el SPI cause enfermedad cardaca, aunque con su equipo intent descartar varias explicaciones posibles, como las diferencias en la duracin del sueo y la actividad fsica."Como es un estudio observacional, existen varios factores desconocidos que podran influir en la asociacin", advirti Gao, investigador del Hospital de Brigham y las Mujeres, Boston.Gao opin que es demasiado pronto para recomendar el uso de frmacos para el SPI, que producen efectos adversos y tienen beneficios limitados, con la idea de prevenir los trastornos cardacos futuros. Pero les recomend a las personas con SPI hacerse controles cardacos regulares y llevar un estilo de vida saludable para reducir el riesgo de desarrollar cardiopatas.
Sep 17th @ 5:32pm EDT
new friends
the people I've met here are wonderful and there are many more to know .... I would sing in a friend of all people who visit me once, I love that each of you have a life that I gusttaria share them with me ... I want to give my all to make them happy and to enjoy myself and each of my shows either total satisfaction and pleasure for all of you ... I've been here almost three months and I still surprised that people here are great conosco and each of you learn a lot ... my megusta share my experiecias with each of you and I hope you know what comparatan also with me ... I like it when I suggest a new show or a new way of doing things .. people who have seen one of my shows know that I surrender completely to each of you that my greatest pleasure is to satisfy you all that is my motivation to be here knowing that someone is happy with what I give them clear and even happier that I was enjoying and that is my true reward ... I hope to meet new people and people I know and who are with me do not forget me because I have very good memory and I remember many who conosco! Personal visit and so will not be disappointed as I always give my all to enjoy to the fullest!
Sep 12th @ 8:05pm EDT
about tattoss
Aun que creamos que hoy en dia es muy "normal"(normal segun dicta la sociedad) el llevar uno o mas tatuajes, desgraciadamente no es asi.Hoy en dia podriamos decir que ms del 60% de la poblacion lleva algun tatuaje ya sea grande o pequeo.Pero qu ocurre cuando el tatuaje ocupa ms de lo que est "establecido por la sociedad"?.Alguna vez habeis visto algn dependiente/a de un gran almacn, abogado, mdico, profesor, comercial, etc, con un gran tatuaje a la vista?? imagino que no, esto se debe a que socialmente todavia no esta aceptado,todavia se puede ver como cuando una persona que va muy tatuada,es observada por el resto de la gente.A mi personalmente me a pasado el acercarme a alguien para preguntar el nombre de una calle o pedir fuego y lo primero que hacen es protejer su bolso (por muy ridiculo que parezca) o si andas por la calle a ciertas horas de la noche tambien a ocurrido que otro individuo que vaya caminando en el sentido contrario al tuyo se cambie de acera.Entonces yo me pregunto; En que tipo de sociedad vivimos??no se supone que ante todo tenemos que tener un respeto al projimo?,entonces por que la gente tiene esa actitud?.Laboralmente tambien hay mucho tema sobre el que hablar, porque una persona es rechazada con evasivas, tales como ya te llamaremos, las vacantes ya estan cubiertas y un sin fin de ect,etc,etc.......?A caso no pueden ser claros??,la verdad es que, no por que si lo fueran podrian ser acusados de algun tipo de "racismo hacia cierto tipo de cultura social".
Sep 12th @ 5:28pm EDT
my pubic
My friends many thks for supor and visit me I will tell you that I have decided to grow my pubic hair grow .. not forever but for a few weeks if I want to see more manly and please many of you my friends who like to have pubic hair ... I hope you and I USTE saver do .... and not only that but also in everything that can indulge in as my main motivation is to make them happy with my personality, my smile, my Rear, my penis and my whole body .... all I want to know the esperar'por and I can learn more about each of you and aquinenes quieron not know that will always be welcome in my room ..... to talk and play with me I hope you visit me! .... And you like my show and all I have to offer talk and play with me I hope you visit me! .... And you like my show and all I have to offer them to all my friends ... thank you very much for all your love and support company ..guys i hope when you visit me i like you and we can make a good friends i love to talk with all you guys i want know you lifes...guys i hope you enjoy with all my shows..... love you
Sep 3rd @ 7:24pm EDT
MY HB IS TOMORROW GUYSi hope to see u tomorrow with me and with my amazing shows, i am planing to organice a party with u, making u so happy COME FOR ME AND COME TO GIVE ME UR HAPPINESS!my birthday is tomorrow and I hope all my clients come with a lot of support, I wish I could collaborate with the assistance here want everyone to be the best actitiud....I HOPE TO ENJOY AND MAKE SO MANY CREATIVE SHOWS! i will be ur college guy, ur slave,guy next door! i hope to see u so happy! i am so ancious!! because i wanna give u the best of las cum with 18 was today, tomorrow will be my first cum with 19 u... so many thanks for come today and so many thanks for the guys who will come tomorrow! i have plenty of ideas and give me more if u want! mi cumpleaos es maana y espero que todos mis clientes vengan con mucho apoyo, yo quisiera que me puedan colaborar con la asistencia quiero que todos esten aca de la mejor actitiud.... muchachos quiero que estes super bien y quiero mucho mucho amor maana por que lo quiero mucho
Sep 3rd @ 6:55pm EDT
Not all the good tastes badDuring his research, 1,995 men who were part of the study suffered a first stroke in the 10 years of follow up. To discover what differentiated these gentlemen of those who had not experienced this problem, the team led by Dr. Larsson found that there was a significant difference between them."We found that they had a very different chocolate intake. Among those most consumed (63 grams per week, half chocolate more or less) had a 17% lower risk of stroke compared to those who consumed it less "says Dr. Larsson, who says, summing up:" Most chocolate intake is inversely proportional to the chances of having a stroke. "But to extrapolate these results to a larger population with cerebrovascular problems, researchers conducted a meta-analysis of five studies encompassed 4260 cases of stroke in both sexes."And here the results supported the first study, giving similar results in both men and women," he says. "The risk of stroke for individuals with more chocolate consumed was 19% lower compared to that of not taking it. For every increase of 50 grams per week reduces the risk of stroke by 14%," he says.Chocolate itself, but in moderationBut the study also adds some other characteristics of those assessed. Thus, among the largest consumer group were younger people generally taking a varied diet (except for the lack of fish).To Professor Andreu Palou, laboratory director of Molecular Biology, Nutrition and Biotechnology, University of the Balearic Islands, these data are also important. "The problem with this type of epidemiological studies is not conclusive. Studying a variable, but you can not infer from them that is very sure that chocolate helps prevent stroke or other problems. You have to know what percentage of importance must people in the study who consumed chocolate had also a healthy lifestyle "
Aug 28th @ 6:21pm EDT
great changes for u
hello guys i would like to tell u that i have a great idea, i wann buy a new bike and uise the helmet and the bike to make a great show!! riding! the thing is that i dont have enough space, if u want,, come to tell me what should i do to do that crazy things! my cum in 5 is succesful! and i have plenty of cum for u! lets have fun together guys!! i have other idea, i wanna make a big big group chat and make a concert i will be singing for u and u will be my fans! today i am so crazy but it is what i want to do!! come to my room and tell me new crazy ideas, TODAY IS A CRAZY DAY, i am planing to do a special day for all of u different all weeks, maybe on friday or in saturday and i will get ur propose... come to see my new shows and come to enjoy with my plenty of cum! let me give eeu all of me, i wanna show u what i have.... great to tell u this things i hope to see u and i hope to talk and learn more about u! CONTINUE COMING TO MY ROOM AND READ MY BLOGS i havbe a big prize for the peple who read my blog!! eerything is for u!! thanks guys! and a big kiss
Aug 22nd @ 6:41pm EDT
my bio
he estado super bien ultimamente, me gusta mucho pasar tiempo con mis muchachos, he pasado en los chicos y en nuevas fantasias, carros monstruos y mucho mas, altos juegos en los parques de diversiones y muchas mas cosas. les cuento que estas reglas con muy fuertes por eso no me pidan que haga lo que no puedo, no quiero darles descepciones ni tampoco quiero multas.... yo espero que todos estemos bien y me gusta mucho pasar el tiempo por aca, pregunten por las nuevas cosas que tengo los nuevos show y todo!! los quiero mucho muchachos! los amor! y espero que todo ande super bien! hey no se les olvide mis vods y el resto de cosas que aparecen en mi perfil I've been super well lately, I love spending time with my boys, I spent on the kids and new fantasies, monsters and more cars, top games in amusement parks and many more things. I tell them that these rules with very strong so do not ask me to do what I can not, I do not want them nor fines descepciones .... I hope that everyone is well and I love spending time over here, ask for new things that I have the new show and everything! I love you guys! the love! I walk and I hope everything super well! hey do not forget my VODs and other things on my profile...come for me guys! just come to come
Aug 14th @ 7:25pm EDT
tired with this days!
I was a little tired of the same relationship with my 40 years I did not look bad, shaved white, brown goatee and a bear call appearance. Besides an air Arabic. But since my divorce I started looking to renew the issue in so-called gay videos or movies where there are the "environment", those guys to step suck my penis allowing more than 18cms in return come to me in their mouths and fuck them rudely .nnBut I needed something more pure, more exciting and less underground. I began to wonder how to find a boy less traveled in the environment, which could penetrate the trust and make my playmate. For this I put a notice on the Internet, searching for "sex friend" who help. Of those who added me to the Messenger, I was impressed Fernando, his conversation was different and some of our tastes, such as reading were common. We met that afternoon to put us on the door of a supermarket in a modest neighborhood.nnSeeing I saw a child get high enough, say 18 years but have had a face of Peter Pan Andean very interesting, very young in appearance despite having already served 18. Thin, black hair was dressed in imitation of urban tribes but with a lovely peasant look. He told me he was in Huancayo, the central Andes and lived with his mother and his "brothers" who helped. I hit her shyness and fragility, I told him to go to a bar and accept. In the taxi I began to ponder what type of bar would go. I decided on an openly gay, a cabin he had met recently and we went. I was afraid because the scare seemed to have experience with it, however I wanted to play fast and do not mistake the game. Define the situation and have fun with this Adonis of Lima that I shook the penis.nnWe arrived at the bar and saw that the townspeople looked with desire my prey, air straight from Fernando and good child's face made him a coveted trophy there. The conversation flowed quickly, I was surprised their culture despite its limited source and corner We are located in dark and started to rub his penis slightly above a tight jeans I had, that showed slightly your package. It was left to do with shyness and told me sheepishly that he had a long experience with his cousin. Experience in which they had sucked the dicks briefly with fear of being caught but had not passed beyond touch.nnWhen I heard this, he was more sure of the way forward and started to kiss, to kiss that mouth that seemed more of a girl for her beauty than a boy. Then with some skill went up my hands toward your buttocks where welcome checked were hard and turgid. Not content that put my hand into his pants and started to fill my hands of those pristine hairless buttocks. My dick was a thousand, so bring your hand to my hot spot, it was left to do and played my dick with much inexperience but also with desire. I told him to go to the darkroom and I agree.nnAlready in place could feel the breath of the other occupants, their moans of pleasure and sexual activity very wide. He drops his pants and started to play more freely these alternating buttocks with his penis so as not to lose the excitement. I kissed him passionately and I had slid her lips to my nipples which began to suck my cock as she held with both hands. I said I did not imagine it would have a penis so big and thick. That made him afraid. However, when lower your head towards him, began a blowjob plump, very damp, delicate but effective. We were a short time so until the other occupants of the room began to slide his hands as if to join the party and decided to quit.nnWe returned to the bar and that he suggested going to a private room within the same bar so we rented small rooms. Once there was quickly naked body revealing a tall, thin, dark formed. The very smooth and soft buttocks distracted me with the taste of her skin so delicate. I started kissing him all the corners of his body and he just closed his eyes. Then I put my penis in her mouth and started sucking him off with the same delicacy but I was desperate not to swallow everything and only briefly sucking the glans.nI turn and started a kiss that seemed black box out of a straw as frantic and started moaning. My tongue explored her virgin folds, brown Andean child, youth ass flavored. Unsuccessfully tried to get my tongue but it almost did not enter the hole in my desires seemed tiny.nThen I put my cock at the entrance to slather it with plenty of lubricant and try to penetrate it, and I could not resist a bit that despite kissing her back and masturbating. Try again with some violence and admission to the glans which arching her back and screamed. I calm down and kiss him but he was very sore.nWe changed position and put her legs on my shoulders, proudly excite me more and penetration was allowed a little more, but only entered the head of my thick cock.nAt the end turn him again and forget all pity you insert my cock, scream and stirred a bit but I managed to enter and hard to overcome his sphincter. I started pumping more than half of my cock while moaning and feel much ardor said. He screamed to get him out but my passion was such that it was impossible to take into account their cries. Few minutes I was quite long in that delicious anito to securely fasten it to the hips, pulled her to me, and among his ayees of pain and pleasure mixed with insert and two separate streams of cum in her previous virgin womb.nFernando was mine, drop me on his back and gave him one last ride before letting him go. I retired and looked sore but I could see happiness in his eyes. My purple dick for the effort he was struck but shamefully watched.nAfter leaving the bar and almost all had withdrawn, but the look of the store owner knew that denoted that Ferdinand had left their virginity in that room that I wore as a trophy of my hard cock.n
Aug 7th @ 5:32pm EDT
in my journay
hola mis muchachos hermosos, hoy me levante y me vine para mi trabajo, casi hay un accidente en el metro por toda la cantidad de gente que habiapor que estaban unos chicos muy bonitos y yo queria tener sexo con ellos, pero no se que paso sali a perseguirlos pero ya iba muy lejos cuando iba de nuevo a entrar la puerta del tren se cerro en micara y me encontre con un chico muy muy lindo frente a mi, tenia mas o menos 57 años, muy bien vestido y le pedi que si hibamos a tomarnos algo y efectivamente el acecepto. Yo no queria decirle que estaba que le quitaba la ropa y me comia todo lo que tenia pero me aguante... despues me invito a alorzar y descubri que teniaun carro muy boito, en el carro tuvimos sexo inesperadamentte por 10 minutos (oops)ndpues vine aca muy caliente por que ese chico me dejo con ganas, espero que vengan y disfruten con migo y me calmen esta calentura :P hello my beautiful boys, today I woke up and came to my work, almost there is an accident on the subway all the many people who were some guys habiapor very nice and I wanted to have sex with them, but I left not happened after them but was too far when he went back to get the train door was closed in Micara and I found a very very nice guy before me, was about 57, well dressed and asked her if hibamos to take something and acecepto effectively. I did not want to say I was that took away my clothes and ate everything I had but I hold... then I invite you to alorzar teniaun car and discovered that very Boito, had sex in the car inesperadamentte for 10 minutes (oops)nI came here very hot dpues that this guy left me wanting, I hope you come and enjoy with me and calm me this fever : P
Jul 30th @ 5:37pm EDT
an spectacular weekend
this weekend was spectacular last May as they realized not accompany the days Sunday and Monday I was walking or traveling rather in a town that seems rather a small town near Medellin called black river or rio negro in spanish is a very beautiful city where there are beautiful places to visit and I know live here a part of my family more specifically an uncle an aunt and two cousins I like a lot of anger in this place where I can not relax descanzar go out with my cousins ​​to parties went out to eat we had fun we played many games on the Xbox 360 console in which games are very entertaining definitely when I go over there treat me like a king ... haha and it's true believe it or not treat me like a very special person and that's nice and also I forget everything is as I descoenctara all and also I forget everything is as I descoenctara worldwide went into a state of relaxation and that was what I felt this weekend now comes with muchosa we define to be with you with a great smile I have not rested I have no stress problems is a real break
Jul 25th @ 11:36am EDT
come to play right now
i want to play right now. i am online and there are no so many people in my room but i am still here waiting for people to have fun. i know this side is to enjoy and thats what i am doing trying to enjoy and have fun; i have some ideas in mind to play a lot. about my likes well i love to care by myself, i like to do excercise and to have a good and slim body, i like to eat everything in speciall mature guys. i am a thin horny guy who likes to play in all kind of imaginable ways. i love guys with mostache :D and i like foot fetish. i know there are so many desires and fantasys and i am here to realize that, to make a good job and a reall god perform. if you dude about that i challenge you to come in here and have fun with me. i have different outfit to play with. all the time out of the page i am thinking how to make it better, thinking about the good things that i have to share. hope to see you guys on my room, i am not looking for something serious right now because that just happend but i am here to have fun and please you take care
Jul 24th @ 4:52pm EDT
my first month
when I started here not know what to expect was scared and very shy. but now I feel nervous and I am happy to spend time with you in meeting each of you wonderful people .. and everyone teaches me new things and makes me feel special in me tasting .. when they say they want to do with me that it excites me a lot;) I hope to meet many people here that give joy to my life and make me company ... had always been someone shy but here I am free of penalties and I always give the best of my so that you and I are happy with what I give them on each day I spend with you .. I'm close to my first month here and I am very happy that every day find new and wonderful people who want to be with me also I take care of him always give the best of each show nmi ara always visit my chat and spend time with me so we divertamos and spend time together and so convince them to come to Colombia with me and so we could have fun together and we know even more. . all of you I like ong and I really like being with you I hope stedes also enjoy my company ... I love
Jul 18th @ 1:44pm EDT
i dont forget u
Hi guys, today I am very excited to work, I get up and bathe me and since it does not stop thinking about you. and you know me I am a very sweet guy and I love working for them gfeliz, there is nothing like seeing a pleased customer. Hope you like my work in front of the camera that I really am trying to make their real fantacias! I have much to learn but also I have a lot to give: Pok guys i send u plenty of kisses and real sex, real fun to enjoy in this site, i hope u r coming to my room and give me good reviews! i really need it! read my bio and thanks for read this! i hope u r ok and u can continue coming to know more about me hola muchachos, hoy estoy muy animado para trabajar, me levante y me bae y desde eso no dejo de pensar en ustedes. ya ustedes me conocen yo soy un chico muy tierno y me encanta trabajar para hacerlos gfeliz, no hay nada como ver a un cliente complacido. Espero que les guste mi trabajo al frente de la camara por que realmente me estoy esforzando para hacer sus fantacias reales! tengo mucho que aprender pero tambien tengo mucho que dar :P
Jul 12th @ 9:49am EDT
today do not want to just build on your pants but also in your imagination you want a little more about me. I like being a sensual person and I love to tell me dirty things to exitarme also am a caring person who at the time may be rude.Me like to kiss and kiss me when i iam in love i fight for my love.i dont like the people lying because i am honest person i love the nature and i love more fuck in the nature love the good food with someone to talk and love to read and is one of my passions now i am reading ana karenin and i loved..i am looking for someone to love me and who love.. ;)nmy really name is miguel and i am from colobian now you know me i want to know you we can be friends or something else.i love the sunsets that afther came the night and i can see the stars and get out to mi frieds and have a good time with them or someone now you know me a little more i cant wait for know you.i can be a good friend and a good boyfriend and i am good lover and i like a hardcore
Jul 10th @ 7:43am EDT
Injection that stimulates the immune system to lose weight showed promising results in mice.According to research conducted by U.S. scientists and published in the Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology ', experiments with mice made ​​so far have shown a 10 percent loss in body weight of animals four days after receiving the drug.The results are preliminary. However, researchers say, if confirmed, this could be the first vaccine designed specifically to treat obesity, which is epidemic in the world. According to the World Health Organization, one in five adults worldwide are obese.Researchers at the biotech company Braasch Biotech LLC in South Dakota (USA.) Have studied the possibility of creating a vaccine effect is achieved only by going to the gym and eating less: burn body fat.To achieve this, they focused on the hormone somatostatin, which is responsible for limiting the production of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which are those that increase metabolism.According to the experts, the inhibition of their function would lead to the breakdown of fat and weight loss.The problem is that this inhibition could have a negative impact, what the scientist Keith Haffer and his team worked on a modified somatostatin vaccine to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against somatostatin, but not directly interfere with hormones growth.
Jul 9th @ 7:22am EDT
hey guys, today i will be a cowboy ready for fun, i will ride in ur cocks and i will enjoy so much! i will take ur cockand i will suck it like ur horse! it will be so funny, i have planed an amazing show and i really wanna do it today! just come to my room and wenjoy with me, with me hat and my cock! if u have any idea u can tell me, just remember i have a big rope to tie u! jaja i donno if u understan i hope yes :D, ok guys thanks for coming a big hug and lot of kisses!Hola chicos, hoy voy a ser un vaquero listo para la diversin, voy a viajar en gallos de Ur y voy a disfrutar mucho! voy a tomar cockand ur voy a chupar como caballo de ur ! ser muy divertido, he planeado un espectculo increble y realmente quiero hacerlo hoy ! acaba de llegar a mi habitacin y wenjoy conmigo, con mi sombrero y mi polla ! si tienes alguna idea u me puede decir, slo recuerda que tengo una cuerda para atar grandes u! jaja i donno u si entendi espero que s: D, gracias chicos por venir ok un gran abrazo y muchos besos !
Jul 4th @ 7:03pm EDT
new here
hola muchachos, yo soy nuevo por aca, es quiero decir que me ha encantado trabajar con ustedes, ya llevo una semana y seguro seguire por aca...espero que les este gustando mi trabajo, yo soy un chico muy gentil y me encanta cumplir sus fantasias y hacer sus sueos realidad...tengo un cuerpo formidable y lo se utilizar muy bien para brindarte satisfaccion...espero que les este yendo muy bien y quisiera que me siguieran quiero ser un problema solo quiero ser quien te de felicidad en tu vida.Hi guys, I 'm new around here, is to say that I enjoyed working with you, I've been a week and I will continue for sure here... I hope you enjoying this work, I am a very nice guy and I love to meet their fantasies and make their dreams come true... I have a formidable body and is used very well to give you satisfaction... I hope you doing well this and would like to follow me.. vicitando not want to be a problem just want to be who you happiness in your life..i hope u can come to my room continuely and have been so happy with u, just remember my name and enter to my room to enjoy is what i want! thank u guys!
Jun 26th @ 10:23am EDT
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Fino a 10 nickname riservati
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Gratis 150 video giornalieri disponibili per 7 giorni
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Gratis Accesso all'archivio video delle star per adulti
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Feature Show Ticket
Accesso completo istantaneo
Font Gold VIP
Fino a 10 nickname riservati
Email performers with attachments
La più grande anteprima di video privati
Disattiva la chat con gli utenti gratis (nessun utente grigio)
Accesso ai Forum VIP
Gratis Accesso illimitato ai tuoi show registrati
Gratis 150 video giornalieri disponibili per 7 giorni
Gratis 1 Hour Feature Shows and access to Archivess
Gratis Accesso all'archivio video delle star per adulti
Gratis Accesso alle gallerie fotografiche delle modelle
VIP 30 giorni di iscrizione
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Il numero CVV2 è un numero speciale stampato sulla carta di credito e fornisce un'ulteriore protezione contro le frodi.
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