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Monty Adams

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Dec 8th @ 5:38pm EST
Going for it :) 2
I logged in to my secret email and replied to the ad. Just thinking about the possibilities made my cock strain against my boxers until it poked out the front. I finished my email to them and hesitated before clicking send. Did I really want to go through with this? If I heard back from them and went to this \"party\" there would be no turning back. I would officially have had my first man on man experience. Man on man on man on man on man on man to be exact. My dick now fully erect I could no longer think straight. I clicked send and ran to the bathroom to jerk off. Just the anticipation alone made me close to cumming. It was a quick job and I came hard. I ran back to my laptop and began to refresh my email page. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I started to feel let down. Maybe it wouldn\'t happen tonight. Maybe it would never happen. Oh least I tried. I refreshed the page again and was presented with two new emails. One for a porn site that I had signed up for on a whim and forgotten about and another in response to my reply to the ad. I opened it nervously, like a chiilld opening a present on Christmas morn, and began to read the email. Again I was a little let down. They wanted stats about me. They wanted to know my age, weight, height, etc. and asked for a picture. Feeling a little glum about the red tape, which I knew I would probably have to do but had fooled myself into thinking it would be easy, I took a quick pick of my dick and sent another email to them with the info they asked for. They must have been waiting because I got a quick reply with an address and time. Holy fucking shit. It was going to happen!
Dec 7th @ 5:20pm EST
Going for it :)
I'm not a gay man. I'm sure there are plenty of them that say that. What they mean is that they don't fit into what society thinks of as a gay man. And I don't either. I enjoy women very much. I am aroused by them. I fuck them. Well, I used to fuck women. Now I only fuck my wife of eight years - Helen. I'm still as turned on by her as I always was. Thing is...I have a deep fantasy that I just can't reveal. Turns out I didn't have to. Helen and her friends had planned a vacation, girls only, for a while. Now that winter was here they were on their way south to lay in the sun, get wasted, go dancing, and other assorted girl things that I had no interest in. The first night alone in the house was pretty cool. I ordered a pizza the way I like it, rented a couple new movies on cable, and sat back on the couch in my underwear. All the while my fantasies were creeping up to the front of my thoughts. I grabbed my laptop halfway into the second movie and checked the casual encounters section of a local online ad page. I had been checking the ads every so often, just out of curiosity, to see what people were into. It was a world just outside of my reach but, tonight, I felt braver every second that passed. I had been alone at home for no longer than six hours before I began to feel adventurous. Just for tonight, I told myself, just for tonight.
Nov 24th @ 1:55am EST
Bare Butt Brave part 7
Catlin turns to us with a sour look. Our loud conversation has disturbed him. The lieutenant walks away so I alone apologize to the artist. He shrugs his shoulders and continues to paint the Indian chief. I stand behind him and watch, all forgiven now. His canvas reveals the nearly completed portrait of the Blackfoot Chief and as I suspected, the brave is not part of the picture. He must have come to stand guard over his chief.I glance at the fierce brave and notice him carrying a small shield in his right hand. Tucked in his belt is a long kfe. It seems strange that I didn\'t notice these warrior things on him before. My eyes were only interested in his nakedness, I suppose. The brave\'s dark eyes call out to me with their longing. Very quietly, I leave Mr. Catlin to join him by the shed. When I reach his side, the Indian brave leads me into the dark shadows. The overhang of the shed hides us from all eyes.We still have a clear sight of the seated men. Mr. Catlin\'s back is to us as he paints. Only the Blackfoot Chief could spy. The Indian brave faces me with hard eyes. This time, I smile back at his fierceness while he looks me over. His interest gives me a thrill. I become bold when turning myself around to show the brave my backside. My tight pants haven\'t kept up with my growth so my butt shows nicely in back. Butterflies fill my stomach when his eyes come to rest there. I study his front flap. It\'s pushing away from his body; the man\'s excitement for me! I get a real desire to be naked with him. The man\'s eyes return to himself. I follow his lead to watch his left hand slowly rub over his butt cheeks. Such longing fills my breast to touch him there.
Nov 23rd @ 8:03am EST
Bare Butt Brave part 6
While easing myself slowly to his left, I try hard to avoid his seeking eyes. I peer down at his front deerskin flap instead. A rounded bulge within causes me to swallow nervously. I glance down at my own erection and feel excited to know that he must see it. Perhaps this brave has a liking for me."Christopher, have you finished chopping the wood?" asks a blue uniformed man. I rush my eyes off the naked savage to face Lieutenant Rickson. If I don't answer carefully he'll think up some other chore for me to perform. I nod my head slowly in reply while stepping closer to Mr. Catlin."Yes sir. It's all done!" I snap like one of his soldiers. "Can I stay and watch him paint a while?""Okay Chris," he replies, "but don't you disturb him any, and keep your ears out for a summons. A man from St. Louis has come and will want to talk to you. I think that he intends to take you back to your next of kin so keep yourself available for him. No more chores for you today."I fill with excitement and clammor for words. "What's his name... and when do I leave?!" I shout."It's Major Brinshalt," the lieutenant replies. "He leaves in a few days after his inspection here. An important man, Christopher, treat him with respect and answer his summons promptly."
Nov 22nd @ 7:35am EST
Bare Butt Brave part 5
I circle behind the Indian brave. I notice a slim thong hanging down between his butt cheeks. It accents his rear nakedness. A flap of hide covers him in front. I suppose that even in this heat Indians can\'t go about fully naked. Where the brave has allowed the sun to touch his skin has become a nice color. It gives his body a dark, beautiful appearance. My own back and arms have tanned from not wearing a shirt. I\'m even marked by two pale lines on my shoulders from my overall straps. My butt is still very white from being hid inside my pants. It would be too bold for me to go about uncovered there as he has. My eyes continue to look over the half-naked brave. I like how his black hair is long. That seems to be a worthy quality in a savage. Though my blond hair is of some length, this brave has kept his growth from boyhood. It flows down past his shoulders to well muscled arms and chest. Even his legs are strong down to his bare feet. The dark eyes of the brave finally notice me and glare hard.nnI return his stare by peering boldly into his eyes. His face is unreadable. Yet his fierce stance is telling of his Indian savageness and secret ways. That inner darkness haunts me bad. After a few heartbeats I\'m forrcced to look away for some reason. A deep swirling in my stomach steals my breath away. All from playing the Indian man\'s staring game.
Nov 20th @ 10:32am EST
Bare Butt Brave part 4
I rest one more time and repeat my rubbing trick. The long wooden handle reminds me of a horse's cock. What would it be like to embrace an excited stallion laying on its side? I'm curious about the feel of their long dong. I've belly rubbed with a man before. He got my dick to release against him. I stop myself again. I'm feeling very horny today. After chopping the wood here, I should head for the stables to take care of my aching dick. It can get me into trouble if I don't attend to its need in hand.I look over the remaining logs. Only one now stands before me to be chopped. I approach 'him' in stealth. Lieutenant Rickson is unknowing of my strike to come. I aim with care then release a loud war cry like a savage. My shoulder pains me when I deliver the fatal blow. Yet I'm rewarded with the sweet sound of splitting wood. My chore here is finished!I toss my 'tomahawk' onto a barrel top and race to find the Indians. In that time I look about the fort that I live in. Three hundred paces in either direction will find a wall blocking my freedom. I've been feeling very trapped of late. The friendly Blackfoots occasionally camp outside its walls. I've been forbidden to walk out and see them. Soldiers man the high walls watching for outer hostilities. None look inwards - at those Indians visiting the artist since they've not come to make war.
Nov 19th @ 12:48pm EST
Bare Butt Brave part 3
I'm swimming in the river with my new Indian friend. His breechclout lays over my pants on the bank. We explore each other's bodies with naughty hands. I get a hard on. It's hidden beneath the water. The Indian man heads for the bank to dry off in the sun. I follow. He notices my excitement for him. With a sly smile on his face, the Indian man turns himself around and backs onto my groin. My dick presses wonderfully against his butt. I reach around his slim waist and hold him tightly to me. My thrusts feel good. I grasp his thickly skinned erection. My hand pulls over it while I rub against his brown butt cheeks for my pleasure. The man grunts out from his sudden release. My hand fills with his strong squirts.I end my lusty daydreaming. So close to it! I don't want to get caught with a wet stain in my pants so I drop the axe to the ground. My hard cock pains me for attention. I promise myself to beat off later in the stables. In taking up the heavy axe in hand, I continue my chore here. I try not to think about wild Indians but I can't help myself. My erection won't go down. At least no one has passed by close enough to cause me embarrassment. It won't be long before my chopping here is finished.
Nov 17th @ 3:44pm EST
Bare Butt Brave part 2
I take a firm grip of the axe handle and lift the heavy log up from the ground. Many breaths rush through me as I ignore the pain. I raise the log even higher before dropping it down over another. A loud crack announces the blade's freedom. After celebrating with a short rest, I prop another log upright. This time my axe finds its mark with care and splits it. I kick the two pieces away and quickly ready another while trying not to notice how many are left to chop. I only allow my eyes to admire the completed work.Everything around me becomes a blur as I concentrate on my task. I set up a log, lift up my heavy axe while ignoring the pain, swing downwards and crack! I repeat the weary motion. After a while the pile of firewood outnumbers the logs to be cut. My axe swings faster inspite of the pain. I want to catch a glimpse of the Indians that have come to be painted before I'm given my next chore by the lieutenant. I wonder how many Indian men will visit today? Their chiefs come fully robed and wear headdresses of colorful feathers. The younger men are clad in simple breechclouts. I like to look over their tanned bodies and daydream about the primitive rites they perform with each other.A tight bulge has formed in the front of my pants. I've become excited from thinking about wild savages and their secret male rites. No one is near so I take a breather. I clasp the axe blade in my hand and drop the wooden handle over my crotch. My cock begins a grinding motion against it. I close my eyes and pretend...
Nov 16th @ 12:55pm EST
Bare Butt Brave
"It's sure hot," I think wearily to myself.The summer sun is high above me and won't soon be dropping from the sky. Sweat pours into my eyes and burns them. I wipe an arm across my face and groan at the amount of logs yet to chop. Returning to the dreaded task, I lift up my axe and prepare to split a log at my feet. Dull pain throbs in my right shoulder from it. I drive the axe downwards until a wonderful crunching sound is heard. The lieutenant's head has been split into two bloodied pieces!Actually, it's not his fault for giving me this chore to do. I suppose Lieutenant Rickson had to find something for me to do at this fort, 'to keep me out of harms way,' as he put it. I'd sure wish he'd find a lighter axe for me to chop with. Its weight was meant for a soldier. I'm only a boy. Muscles in my right shoulder and back cry out each time I raise the heavy blade. Clumsily, I drive my weapon downwards with a great hatred for him. I groan out when realizing my bad chop. The axe head has buried itself deep in the log's yellowish flesh. I tug on the handle without success, cursing at the sharp pains in my shoulder. Sweat runs down my back and under my pants causing an itch on butt. My body has become heated from chopping wood.My overalls are too tight for me to reach a hand inside to scratch myself. I loosen all its side buttons. The pants sags over my thin frame. If it weren't for the shoulder straps, my overalls would fall to my feet. I welcome the movement of air over my butt and sweaty thighs.
Nov 14th @ 11:46am EST
The past catches up part 3
'No I stopped after Tom died' I said. I thanked him for the beer and we agreed not to say anything to our wives. A few weeks later we had a party and invited frank and his wife and Jim and his wife over. We sat around talking then Jim told me that he and Frank were going camping just a guy's week end away and they wanted me to come. I tried to say no but my wife insisted that I go so I reluctantly agreed to go.The Friday came and we were to leave that night. We piled into Franks car with Frank and Jim in front with me in the back. After about two hours of driving and making small talk Jim turned to me. 'You know you have to fuck us, I've been hard since I found out who you were' then Frank jumped in 'Ya me to. I asked you wife what size you were and even picked up some stuff for you to wear for us' he said looking at me threw the review mirror.'Guys I don't do that anymore' I tried to reason with them. 'And beside were be outside in a camp ground' I said and the two started to laugh.Where we are camping no one is ever around, hell even one year we never put on any clothing, but we are both tops so nothing would ever happen' they laughed again.
Nov 13th @ 6:37pm EST
The past catches up part 2
'Oh where?' I asked and he threw some pictures down in front of me. They were of me when I use to dress. I tried to play as if I did not recognize the pictures. 'Oh who this?' I asked picking up the picture in my hands.'It's you. He said...'I remembered your voice then your ass gave you away. You always had a great fucking ass' he stated.'I even fucked you once. One of the best fucked in my entire life. I always thought you went and had a sex change cause I never saw you after Tom died. Man I wanted to fuck you one last time' he said grasping his cock through the track pants he was now wearing. 'what happened to you' he asked.'I got married moved on, couldn't find another master after Tom.' I said knowing my act was up.'You were the best fuck ever. Remember the party Tom had where you fuck everyone? I fucked you then you blew me later and Frank he lives across the street, you did him too, and he said the same thing you were the best.' Jim paused for a moment before continuing. 'Do you still dress?' he asked and heheh.
Nov 11th @ 8:41am EST
The past catches up part 1
When I was quite young I use to be a transvestite that is I use to dress as a woman all the time. It was all because I had a master, a man who commanded me to dress for his pleasure. We would have sex in public and in private he would tie me up and fuck my ass until he couldn\'t get hard any more. After he died in a car accident I moved on, got married and had kidds. We moved into a new neighborhood and we met out neighbors and Jim next door said he thought he knew me from before but as we tried to remember one another we drew a blank.A few weeks later Jim was getting into his above ground pool as I was trimming a bush that was way out of control. After some time Jim got out of the pool and went back into his house where he stood by the back door and removed his trunks. I could see his ass as he did so and marveled at his nice shape. He withdrew into his place and I never thought anything of it. Just as I was finishing the bush Jim came out and invited me over for a beer. Trying to be neighborly I accepted. I walked into Jim\'s place threw the back door as he handed me the beer. You know I thought a long time where I knew you and remembered where\' he told me.
Jul 20th @ 5:07am EDT
My first all male four some!!
This story is a true one from my life experiences. Last night I met with a guy I knew from way back neither of us knew the other was gay or bi. We started talking sex and he told me that he loves asses. Men's and women's asses. I came clean and told him that I loved having my ass and mouth filled with cock! So we are talking about what we had just learned about one another when I head a knock at his front door. It was two of my other friends from school. He had invited them knowing I haven't seen any of them in a long time. Mug first friend pulls me aside and told me they were both gay as well. So I said fuck it who wants to fill my holes. They had puzzling faces on because they hadn't known about me. But when I unzipped one of their pants and pulled out a soft cock and sucked on it so hard became right there in my mouth the other one got the picture. So we all got naked and started stoking each others cocks and rubbing balls. I asked who wants what from who they all said they wanted me. One said I got dibs on that ass another wanted my mouth and the other sat and watched until he could get hard again. The one fucking my face took no time at all to figure out that I could deep throat. The one in my ass said he loved how tight my hole was. And the other one didn't last long just sitting watching he slid under me and started sucking on my cock. not to much after he started he had a mouthful of my spunk. Since I came my ass hole got even tighter and made the guy in my ass cum deep in me bareback!! And feeling his big hot load hit my insides made me suck the other guy harder and I got another large load of cream in the back of my throat and he kept fucking my face until I swallowed all of it. We all took a little break just stroking each other and chatting until I told them I have always wanted to try two cocks in my ass at one time so they all got rock hard instantly. We all got lubed up even more than we already were and I sat down on one of them with their cock standing at attention for me. When I got all of the way down on it I sat there for a minute to get used to the position then another one came up from behind me pushed me over a little so he could have a better angle but carefully making sure the first guys cock didn't come out of me and then I felt my asshole was on fire the bulbous head of his cock was pushing through and just about to pop in. Then out of no where he just s slammed his whole cock down the other guys cock and balls deep into me. I couldn't breathe it hurt so bad at first. Or maybe it was just because I was getting face fucked again at the same time the. It started to feel good. I had two rock hard grown men's cocks balls deep in me and they were both pounding away and I was sucking the cock in front of me like it was going out of style. He came so hard in my mouth I almost gagged. But just then I felt the two cocks in my ass swell up even more and both shoot nice big hot loads of cum deep in my ass. And that made me lose control ok shot my load all over the guys chest I was sitting on. Then I passed out.The next morning was a whole other story so let me know if you liked this one and maybe I'll tell you what happened the next day.
Jul 16th @ 2:26pm EDT
A walk in the park, leather style STORY - part 5
I wanted to both of us to enjoy this so I went slowly. I began to rock slightly rubbing my dick along his now spit and sweat slick ass crack before I angled for his hole. I mounted him slowly and lovingly to allow him time to get used to the anal invasion and to enjoy every inch of my dick as it slid into his hot tight ass. Then I was home, fully imbedded up his ass with my bush gently resting in his ass crack and he let out a deep haggard breath. I reached out to encircle him with my arms, my left going for his erect nipples and my right for his stiff cock. I started to fuck him with long strokes leaving the head of my cock in his ass. As I plunged back into his ass I gave his balls and dick a light squeeze. We both broke out in a sweat as I increased the pace of my fuck. I kept a constant pressure on his cock now as I caressed his sweaty abdomen and chest.nnThe pleasure of his ass increased as he clamped down on my dick with his ass muscles and I knew that I was close to filling his ass with my hot load. Then it happened, I took one final thrust into his ass and felt myself go. I shoot blast after blast of my sweet cum into his ass as I felt the most intense orgasms I have had in a long time. As I came down from that high I heard him ask in the most pleading tones the wish to blow his load. Without withdrawing from his ass I told him to beat off and to shoot his seed onto the tree in front of him. His stokes on his hard dick started slowly but became faster quickly. I felt him clench his ass as he shot his load high onto the tree marking it with a long creamy white line. As he came back to earth I slowly eased out of his ass and threw the cum-filled condom at the foot of the same tree letting our seeds mix on the ground and roots.nnI told him as we both rearranged our leathers that if he ever wanted a repeat of tonight, to meet me under the same tree when the moon was full and we would try to reach for heaven once more.
Jul 15th @ 4:41pm EDT
A walk in the park, leather style STORY - part 4
It was his turn to lick some dick. As I leaned against the tree, I watched as he kneeled before me to begin to open my chaps then my jeans with his teeth. My hard cock sprang into the air as he wrestled with the last button of my jeans. With long slow strokes of his tongue he coated my dick with his spit. He sank lower and started to bath my ball sack and bush with loving care. I was loved to watch a master of this art at work. I almost blew my load when he took my hard piece into his hot mouth and ran his tongue all over the head and underside. I let out a load groan as he suck my dick all the way to my hairy bush. In long and slow strokes he suck my hard cockI reached into my jacket and grabbed one of the always-handy safe sex kits and dropped it between his legs. He caught on instantly and gave my dick a parting lick before he lovingly encased my hard cock with the condom. He handed me the packet of lube and twisted around and grabbed his ankles revealing his tight hole in its full glory. I open the lube with my teeth and used two fingers to lubricate his hole slowly and with care. I really did not want him to feel that much pain as I mounted him. I smeared the remainder of the lube on my latex-coated cock and told him to use his arms to encircle the tree and give it a big kiss. With his legs spread slightly I approached him and place the head of my cock in his crack. I heard him inhale deeply in preparation of my dick.
Jul 14th @ 5:43am EDT
A walk in the park, leather style STORY - part 3
With my left tit pleasured he licked his was to my right nipple and gave it the same treatment as he gave to the left one. I took this chance to check out the package his had in his crotch. The chaps framed his crotch perfectly, I saw that his cock was straining against the material of his jeans. I tease open his chaps and jeans, allowing his hard cock into the cool air. I watched as his cock got even harder as I lightly rubbed the piiss slit with an index finger. This seemed to drive him crazy since suddenly dived for my right pit and started to slurp up the sweaty dew that had been collecting there. I grabbed his stiff cock and pulled out his cum filled balls from hiding of his jeans. I weighed his large ball sack in my palm and knew that he had not cum in several days.I let his sack swing low as I decided to get serious. He was coming up for air from my right pit as I leaned him against the tree and kneeled before him to tease his cock some. I began to lick his piiss slit and lap up the pre-cum that coated the head of his cock. This caused him to raise his ass from against the tree and I used the opportunity to grab his muscled ass with both hands. I suddenly yanked his jeans further down to his ankles and started to explore the crack of his ass and his tight hole. I started to lick the length of his hard cock coating its entire surface with my spit. I paused briefly to coat several fingers with my spit as I took a quick sniff of his ball sack and relished the mixed scent of his sweat and soap. He started to rock back and forth as I let the head of his cock past my lips. I nibbled the head of his dick with my teeth as I place my coated fingers next to his steamy hole. As his rocking became more insistent I let him go down on my finger. I slipped in a second finger into his tight hole and began to finger fuck his ass. He really wanted me to go all the way down on him so that he could blow his load, but I wanted to keep control of the scene and back my head off of his dick and straighten to look him in the eye.
Jul 12th @ 1:18pm EDT
A walk in the park, leather style STORY - part 2
When he was a few feet from me he gave his crotch a slow grab signifying what he wanted. It was thenthat he looked directly into my eyes and saw what I wanted and I saw his eyes drop to his feet as if he was surrendering to his fate. He slowly stepped closer until he was inches from my face. I heard him whisper, "how can I be of service Sir." Sir, I liked that. Normally I treat people as equals but tonight I wanted a nice hot and tight subservient bottom.I wordlessly unzipped my jacket fully letting the cool air make my nipples erect and watched as he did the same. I nodded toward a nearby grove of trees that was further hidden in shadows and waited for him by the trunk of one of larger trees. He approached and placed himself against the tree waiting for me to make my move. I could feel the heat from his body that was inches away from me. I pressed him hard against the tree, cupped his head with my hands and began to explore his mouth with my tongue. I released his head and pressed my bulging crotch into his as I gave him a tight bear hug and continued to French kiss him. He began to moan softly as I explored his back and ass with my gloved hands and pressed my chest into his. I suddenly released him from my kiss and stepped back a little, I wanted this to last. I could tell that he was getting fired up when he dipped his head and started to slowly licked the steel ring of my harness then to zero in on left nipple. I pressed his head against my chest and he sucked my pec with a vengeance. I groaned aloud with the pleasure that he was giving me.
Jul 11th @ 9:01am EDT
A walk in the park, leather style STORY - part 1
A walk in the park, leather styleThe night was cool but not cold enough for needing a shirt under my black leather jacket. I was watching the men walking slowly through the wooded sections of the park silently from the shade of one larger grove of trees, leisurely smoking a cigarette. I was all in black leathers tonight, watching and waiting for some one that really wanted my hard cock up his ass and would beg me to allow him to blow his load when it was his turn to cum. As I was neared the end of my smoke, I felt the parting touch of my leather gloves on my lips and wondered how it would feel to caress the lips of someone as I impaled him on my hard cock.Then I saw him entering the park. He was dressed in a pair of tight black leather chaps over blue jeans and a motorcycle style leather jacket. He was slowly and cautiously walking up the graveled path, scanning the bushes and heavily shadowed areas for any hint of action that might be happening in the park. I smiled for I knew what he wanted and shifted a little so that the bright moonlight would reflect off my chaps and jacket. He caught the movement and shifted closer to my position peering intently into the shadows. I guess that he saw the glow of my cigarette as I took one last puff before grinding beneath one of my boot heels. He cautiously enters the shadows and I saw that he has older than I was but I always liked older men. The young one looked good in leather but sometimes did not know how to act with the leathers on.
Jul 10th @ 7:28am EDT
What a story : Real Gay Fantasy
I am a 20 yr old man. I have a beautiful girlfriend and am by all outward appearances very straight. I go to the gym frequently and keep my body clean shaven to accentuate my tan muscular build (or at least thats what i say).In reality i shave because i think it's sexy. Gay men like guys who are clean shaven right? Anyway... my girl has several guy friends who are gay. I dream about fucking them (or rather getting fucked by them) almost every night. I dream that my girl and about 10 of her gay guy friends and I are all sitting in our apartment getting drunk. We play truth or dare and my girl dares me to get naked and suck Avi's (one of her gay friends)cock. So of course i do.There i am butt naked all clean shaven on my kneessucking him off while he sits on the couch. my wife begins video taping and directing me. She sees that Avi is going to cum and she coaches me to swallow his hot load. I don't need the coaching. I'm dying to tase his cum in my mouth and in my throat!He thrusts his giant dick in my mouth and i feel his hot cum explode down my throat. As i release his cock from my mouth i say enticingly "who's next?" As the next stud unzips his pants exposing his rock hard cock, Avi gets behind me and shoves his enormous dick in my ass and starts thrusting it deep inside me.Now i am getting fucked in the ass and sucking dick while my girlfrien videotapes. soon Avi and the guy i'm sucking begin to cum simultaneously. I feel Avi explode again, this time shooting his hot cum deep into my sweaty ass while i swallow another huge load.Once again there was a switch. The guy i just swallowed got in behind me and a new guy shoved his dick in my mouth. pretty soon i had cum all over my face and chest despite my best efforts to swallow it all. Cum was dripping out of my ass and running down my thighs.I had sucked off and swallowed 10 guys and then let them fuck me in the ass one at a time until they all came! I was the life of the party (the slut of the party too!). This is my jack-off fantasy as well as the one i use when i need to get hard for my girl. I have used her dildo when she's not home and i love it! It is really big too!So thats it. I dream of being a gay slut. I dont really get off on the thought of "pitching" just "catching" and doing a lot of it! I wish i were naked in a sea of gay men right now. I would fuck every one until my ass couldnot possibly take another fucking, then i would just suck and swallow the rest. (i have tasted my own cum and i luv the taste. I'm ready!!)
Jul 7th @ 7:21am EDT
My first all male four some!! part1
This story is a true one from my life experiences. Last night I met with a guy I knew from way back neither of us knew the other was gay or bi. We started talking sex and he told me that he loves asses. Men's and women's asses. I came clean and told him that I loved having my ass and mouth filled with cock! So we are talking about what we had just learned about one another when I head a knock at his front door. It was two of my other friends from school. He had invited them knowing I haven't seen any of them in a long time. Mug first friend pulls me aside and told me they were both gay as well. So I said fuck it who wants to fill my holes. They had puzzling faces on because they hadn't known about me. But when I unzipped one of their pants and pulled out a soft cock and sucked on it so hard became right there in my mouth the other one got the picture. So we all got naked and started stoking each others cocks and rubbing balls. I asked who wants what from who they all said they wanted me. One said I got dibs on that ass another wanted my mouth and the other sat and watched until he could get hard again. The one fucking my face took no time at all to figure out that I could deep throat. The one in my ass said he loved how tight my hole was. And the other one didn't last long just sitting watching he slid under me and started sucking on my cock. not to much after he started he had a mouthful of my spunk. Since I came my ass hole got even tighter and made the guy in my ass cum deep in me bareback!!
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Feature Show Ticket
Sofortiger Vollzugriff
Goldene VIP-Schriftart
Bis zu 10 reservierte Spitznamen
Email performers with attachments
Größte Privat-Video-Vorschau
Chat für kostenlose Benutzer deaktivieren (keine grauen Benutzer)
Zugang zu VIP-Foren
Gratis Unbegrenzter Zugang zu deinen eigenen aufgezeichneten Shows
Gratis 150 tägliche Videos für 7 Tage verfügbar
Gratis 1 Hour Feature Shows and access to Archives
Gratis Zugriff auf das Adult Star Videoarchiv
Gratis Zugang zu den Fotogalerien der Models
100 Credits Gratis


Feature Show Ticket
Sofortiger Vollzugriff
Goldene VIP-Schriftart
Bis zu 10 reservierte Spitznamen
Email performers with attachments
Größte Privat-Video-Vorschau
Chat für kostenlose Benutzer deaktivieren (keine grauen Benutzer)
Zugang zu VIP-Foren
Gratis Unbegrenzter Zugang zu deinen eigenen aufgezeichneten Shows
Gratis 150 tägliche Videos für 7 Tage verfügbar
Gratis 1 Hour Feature Shows and access to Archivess
Gratis Zugriff auf das Adult Star Videoarchiv
Gratis Zugang zu den Fotogalerien der Models
VIP 30 Tage Mitgliedschaft
Card Verification(CVV2)
Die CVV2-Nummer ist eine spezielle Nummer, die auf deiner Kreditkarte aufgedruckt ist und zusätzlichen Betrugsschutz bietet.
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