Taste of women. The opinion of the men
The taste of a woman ... what is it? How to experience it? And what a woman at all?For those who decided on these issues, there is no need to read more. Others who are interested in my opinion to the question - are welcome!I've been thinking about this question. Seriously think about fundamentally. It turned out not so simple as it seems. Far from easy. But terribly interesting!Yes, you can go to a disco stupid, pick the most skater chick and pull it, say it at home or in the car. Why, then, in the near the entrance! Depends on the girl's head and gentlemen amount of alcohol consumed. However, even this is not necessary. If a woman knows what came to, she can fuck anyone there in the closet. Moreover, the appearance is not critical, as well as money. There are a necessary minimum, which should be sufficient. And there, from the fate depends.Yes, it's nice. Yes, another tick on the list. So what?Stuck, pulled out and went to?Now, not a secret that we are all in the dark and feel about the same. The boys look like boys, girls on girls. There are however controversial, and individuals ....I'm not talking about that woman in most cases is not something that is not finished, it aroused not really have time!So where is the heroism? Where is the joy of victory, and women's gratitude? It's not sex! It's like that in the teeth from scratch with it. The effect is the same. I think many women will agree with me. (Except for those ends crystals, has learned to stop when he wants, I know there are. Or, in cases where there are a thrill. Also it is cool.)Yes, when I say "women" - I do not mean a certain age. The woman - is the one who feels himself to be. Not a woman!Baba never be a woman. She does not understand what it is. Yes, and do not want to. Well it is not given. It is a pity, but what to do.But, unfortunately, she could easily become effeminate. And not the fact that it is reversible.But I'm not about that ....What is a woman's beauty?Long legs? Thick, round ass, just the look, which causes the riser? Maybe compression? Or upright? The eyes ... nose .... Lips .... Voice .... Even more romantic, but the fact! Perhaps human qualities? Soul? Character?Too close, but again, not that.It is believed that there are no ugly women. And I agree with that at 99%.Someone might object, but the key word here - "woman" and all that follows from this notion.Besides vodka, which can be small. This is for those who are on the women ....Not that that would be alcohol at all should not be ... but not vodka. The wine can be white, but red is better suited. It just goes where you want. Champagne, only good, not sour. Vermouth is also nothing. In no case, not beer! It was not for these cases.But more on that later ....So, a woman ....The same women in the world. Each of these identities. Bright or not. And God forbid you not to doubt out loud!Tall, slender, plump, broad-shouldered, with wide hips or not - they are beautiful! Despite the appearance, by a strange coincidence, we identify with ease, beautiful woman or not. And, remarkably, even not very attractive lady has a mysterious property - to flourish.Moreover, I will tell you a secret that should make the faceless individual is the weaker sex to see a woman and to feel in this role, the changes would be disastrous! It is worth it to enter into the role, and it is in their blood, it will shine a bright light. However, it is instantly fly off a bunch of crows and you risk being left out of work.How do I do? Yes, just to convince her to buy a dress that she would never have put them. What matters is that there are hidden flaws of her figure. And the process goes!What's the point? And that's what. I brought myself to a formula of feminine beauty. It is universal. It has four components:MindAppearanceCharmSexuality.And for many is enough, only two components - the third will be their results.For example:Appearance + sexy = mind (+ / - charm)Charm + = looks sexyMoreover, the charm, as such, in my opinion, depends on the mind. Not from the intellect!Do not confuse these two concepts. There are intelligent fools and fools. Fool - is diagnosed, partially excludes the presence of mind.So, out of all this, concluded that female beauty - this is a golden mean between these qualities.In order to try a real woman, you need to find it, select one of the many. It could be anyone. But the quality will be given to her guts. It will be visible spot in your mind against the backdrop of fancy pacifiers.Watch out bitches! They are for this purpose are not appropriate.Need attentive, to the extent sociable woman of 25 - 30. Bored, modestly but tastefully dressed, with a calm, confident look, from which emanates warmth. Often this is a divorced woman, and she has a child. Do not let that scare.Be honest, polite and considerate, and she will understand you perfectly.Suggest it straight, but slightly veiled to meet with you privately. Humor in this case is to be welcomed.Of course, she refused, but leave your suggestion in force.She thinks of him. And when she wants warmth, she thinks of you.Well, if you know a long time, even superficially.If not - you can begin to shake and a pair of triple bandy phrases at each meeting. If you're nice to her, she will appreciate and remember you.Sympathy is crucial.You can not imagine how even the coldest bitch sometimes is not enough heat.Attention and understanding, at least for a while. To take a woman, she needed something to give.Sincere interest and desire to understand it - is very important. We must learn to listen and at least a little compassion. She will appreciate it and will certainly reward you. Maybe she will use you as a vest, cry on. This is normal, even good. You something from it neither cold nor hot, and she immediately becomes easier. Maybe she just sees in you an outlet for themselves. She knows what works and from this it is all around his head. Do not bother her, let her seduce you. She is like your shyness and timidity. She does everything herself. Relax and enjoy the ride.Left alone, the best in her house when no one was there. At home she feels comfortable and confident. Of course, it will hesitate and doubt. Bring fruit and wine. Can champagne and chocolates, but he remains on the teeth, and champagne may ache head. Weak, such as the Kuban wine will be more appropriate.Do not throw it!You've come to talk and learn! So keep in touch! A glass of red wine in a cozy atmosphere to quickly unleash casual conversation. Do not talk about problems! Talk about anything. A better listen to her. Wine quickly find its way to be.It relaxes her, makes light of thought. She will feel the warmth of the lower abdomen and languid desire between her legs. Wine disperse through the body very gently, and without consequences. No need to get drunk vdrysk. A pair of wine glasses is enough.She goes to the interest of its subject. Want to know your plans for your account.Be honest! Do not lie and do not look contrived answers.After all, you've come to spend time with a beautiful woman, is not it? Give her a couple of some pleasant moments .... So tell her about it openly.She's intelligent adult woman, she knows what you expect and want it myself. What else do you think it is inviting you to her?Yes, it will be very useful if it is older than you for a couple - three years. For you and for her communication will be much more interesting. And do not be afraid to be embarrassed, while remaining confident! It's so touching women ....Oh, and do not forget about your health! A man should be clean and fresh, like a kiss baby! Do not worry, she began to prepare for your visit, even for a day. She gave herself to the perfect order and washed its all their charms again just before your visit. Moreover, away for a couple of minutes, it will certainly do it again, unbeknownst to you. She is ready and waiting for a long time only the moment. Favorable location, the right words, hint .... Do not disappoint her! Know that even if she avoids the subject side, she is waiting for this! It can be wildly shy, unsure of himself. In this case, take the first step! Tact and not intrusive. Assure her prove that she is attractive especially for you. What others think does not count.She considers herself a plump? Do not fear! This gives it a smooth forms.He thinks that high? So what?! Next to a woman feel like a king!Wide hips? Yes, but the waist is more elegant!And it's true! You do not lie to her saying that. And she will be pleased to hear it and it is up to you.Not so important how you see yourself, it's important how you see it. And she sees in you that wants to see.Do not paw her! So what if it became available and gave you a kiss!?Be considerate. The soft touch of fingers, as if by accident. Do not climb it at once between his legs and grab the chest! Do it gradually! And in general, read the "Kama Sutra". The part, which describes the prelude. It is to know and be able at least in theory - should be!Hug her tightly, but gently, breathe deeply the scent of her perfume, her hair, clothes ....Feel the warmth of her! It is a living body heat exhausted people waiting. She is ready to give it to you. She also feels you. But it is much stronger. Enjoy this moment.Now you can begin ....Caress her. Now you can almost everything. Pierce under her dress, or skirt, or whatever her dressed. Massage her breasts, thighs caress, kiss her neck. If she does not like something, she tells herself. Watch for her breath, to see how she reacts to you. Closes a pleasure to the eye, or squirms in your lap .... Make it good. Make it nice!She is ready to copulate. She wants you right now! Its nature craves the flesh!Ask her ear as she wants to do it. What is it nice. Maybe she has one treasured, secret desire, which she hesitates to say?In any case, do not delay! She is all wet underwear at the bottom! She is breathing unevenly, and is lost in desires.Undress her. Or let her do it herself. Caress her naked body, cover with kisses, stroke it! Thighs, abdomen, pubis, shoulders. Kiss her fingers, like a gentleman.Get down below, and if she will, cuddle her hidden lips. Do this as gently as you can. Do not hesitate! This is natural. And then, the observed health!She's waiting for you! Taste this delicate fruit with gusto, and see what will happen!If done correctly, after some five - ten minutes, it will shake with desire. She can finish a few times while you caress her. It will be moaning, kicking and screaming out loud maybe. Sometimes a obscenities, but it turns out not arbitrary, and therefore excusable. Keep it tight, because she does not realize at that moment that makes and breaks unconsciously, from the overflowing of her feelings.When she will experience one or more full of orgasms, it is likely she will repel you. Any touching of her body will shiver and involuntary twitching. It will shake like a cold.Hold it gently.Now the best part. If you managed to overcome their complexes, and bring a woman to such a state, it is possible to begin the second act. As in direct and figurative sense. She is in a state of euphoria, excited and sensitive to the limit.It is available as a helpless than ever.You can undress quickly and quietly. Be protected or not - you decide. And best to specify in advance. She does not think about it now. Basically, if you are healthy, it will not particularly mind. Most of the men and women ignore condoms are aware of this and have in mind. Put a spiral tablet or drink .... In any case, when you cum in her - she feels. And it will likely enjoy it. Not because it is often this happens.And so it is before you. You can let her catch her breath for five minutes, but it is better to get down to business until it has cooled. Lasky will be relevant as ever, but casual! Do not waste your time. Do not go at once, enjoy it, feel the head as she is hot! Log into it slowly, steadily to the end. At the end of the push to hard and Freeze it for long. Maybe she'd finished. Enter into her in delight, feel the moment! Wine blunt your sensitivity. And you can not stop longer. Alternate slow sweeping motions with fast and short, directed into the interior. Like throwing wood into the oven, keep it hot. Because if it is now cool, it was nothing and you want to go into the bath to remove stress hands.Drag the end, as long as possible, freeze for a few seconds, if necessary, and then continue. Most likely, it will end a few times. This is shown by her breathing and body shudder. Flash is not very strong, but deep strikes will contribute to this member. If you caught the moment, freeze, letting her feel the term in itself. From that, she finished strong.Now the best part. It is your entirety. Your excitement to the limit. Turn it any way you want, take her in his arms, if enough force, bend down, turn on your stomach or side pristroytes to her hot body glistening with sweat. Take it as you please. She will not mind .... Do not hold back more. Copulate with her like an animal, just for fun. Within reasonable limits, of course. Forget for a moment about her feelings and focus on their own. Most likely, she will moan and squirm, go to a meeting, grabbed his hands in a sheet .... Do it and not think about anything. Focus on feelings, on what is in your hands is real, a woman wholly in the juice, and how much she wants you. It's up to you she is so wet and hot and that's you make her cry and lose touch with reality. Embed it in the most do not want to take out her uterus, and finish up! Finish as anyone, and never in full growth is abundant and powerful, not holding back, and without fear.Pour out of it, all without a trace ....This will be the most powerful orgasms of your life, and perhaps the most vivid impression.Do not hurry to leave her womb. Take a break in it. Roll about both. You have no place in a hurry.A better sleep blissful sleep a couple of hours ....And then, when you kiss her goodbye, looking tired, peaceful eyes, you'll walk away so forth. And she will accompany you to a long, languid eyes, still feeling it's nice to podnyvaet her womb after your term. How to ache a little is still excited nipples. She will long walk in blissful oblivion, bumping into furniture, and blushing with pleasant thoughts. She will remember you fondly. She will thank you for the small moments of simple happiness of women.Of course, this nice woman you will meet more than once. Maybe it will grow into something bigger, or will the friendship.But, so partake of a woman, it is possible only once.You started to eat it from the moment they saw.You feel it in its entirety of its charm, beauty and sexuality.You know a woman in all her charms.It was tempting, and far away, and then a ghostly touch, and, finally, sweet and hot.You drank the juice from the source, you breathe in its fragrance, its flesh is eaten elastic hidden fruit.And the heady taste of it will remain on your lips for a lifetime.