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ding!dong! ho is at your door?your Master is home
Aug 12th @ 3:54am EDT
Hard Fucking
Whether we choose to talk about them in public or not, we all have sexual preferences. Fetishes and paraphilias are often grouped into the same category, but are actually quite different. What characterizes a fetish is an abnormal or excessive degree of sexual desire or gratification linked to a particular object, item of clothing, or part of the body.You can think of a fetish as a strong sexual preference. We all have them, although in the dating world, we might be more likely to call these our deal-breakers. As with all fetishes, if the sexual fixation is strong enough, the preference can develop into a paraphilia, which is when a preference becomes a necessity, or a compulsion. That being said, there are many fetishes that are so common, we actually talk about them all the time without even do u like sadism and masochism?Do you like rough sex? Many people will shy away from the terms sadism and masochism because, lets face it, they're quite intimidating. They often inspire mental images of dungeons full of whips, chains and other types of torture equipment. But when it comes to pain related fetishes, it not as black and white as you might think. Sadism and masochism don't always mean whips and chains and safe words. It can be as simple as enjoying being spanked or playing rough. Whether you enjoy being the one doing the spanking, or being the one to receive the blow, you, my friend, might have a fetish for pain. (For more on spanking, see Your Hand, My Ass: Erotic Spanking for Beginners.)or do u like Exhibitionism?It's likely that you or someone you know has gotten busy in a semi-public environment. Whether it was a movie theater, public park, or parking lot, the thing all these places have in common is that there is a high chance that any random person could come strolling around the corner and catch a glimpse of you and your partner being intimate in the opposite of an intimate environment. Does the feeling that you might get caught getting down in an elevator really turn you on? This is a form of non-threatening exhibitionism. Most of these types of fetishists enjoy the rush that goes along with doing something private in public, or the possibility of being caught, although they may not necessarily want to be caught. This fetish is all about getting off on taking risks.I will tell you abaut some fetishis in my next blog.Kisss you guys
Aug 11th @ 9:24am EDT
My friend..
Last week, a friend who lives in Georgia posted to Facebook that school had started back up in her town. Guys were putting on new backpacks, carefully pressed dresses, and clean shirts to climb on the bus and return to the classroom. Homework, recess, and math drills had replaced days at the beach, swim lessons, and more making in the backyard.In the Northeast, where I live, school doesn't start until September, but my friends comment had my heart pounding and my fingers clicking over to our online family calendar. How many days did my guy have until school started?I carried that breast milk home in a cooler, always triple-checking I hadn't forgotten it behind when I left at the end of the workday. I kept a close watch on the amount of milk stored in our freezer, and I packed their bottles each evening, carefully filling them more and more as my babies grew.I had nightmares about bringing bottles without nipples to daycare or of leaving the bottles somewhere, never to be found -- my subconscious expressing the sadness I felt about not being with them. The demands of working motherhood offered no other choice, however.Occasionally, I do let them buy lunch. We review the menu together, selecting two to three days each month when the meal sounds reasonably healthy to me and "cool" to them. They walk off to school with lighter backpacks, lunchboxes left behind on the kitchen counter.
Aug 10th @ 1:49pm EDT
Are you Gay?
There is probably no other three-letter word in the English language that simultaneously conjures up both excitement and anxiety in gay men. S-E-X, three letters combined that spell out pleasure, lust, love, passion, yearning and often, confusion. So what is the one thing that you can do to improve your sex life and to eliminate the confusion? I will share that with you in a moment, but first let me discuss my sexual education.When I first learnt about the mechanics of gay sex at the age of fourteen I was completely mortified. Mortification led to confusion and confusion led to fear. I had so many questions and concerns but nobody to talk to. When parents sit down with their guys to give them the talk, it rarely covers topics such as anal sex, douching and blowjobs. Sexual education for gay teens at school is no better. So how then are meant to learn how to have gay sex?My straight male friends learnt about sex from their older brothers and from each other. They would compare notes, share tips and boast about their experiences. Not having any gay friends growing up meant that when it came to my first time I didint have a cache of stories from which to inspire tricks and tips. It was completely unchartered waters. While I had had sex with girls before, the differing anatomy meant that my sex skills (and a use the term "skills" loosely) were non-transferable. I compare it to playing tennis and then attempting to play golf. Although both sports involve balls and swinging, the techniques employed are different. Just because you can get a little ball in a hole in one sport doesn't mean that you will be able to serve an ace in another.
Aug 9th @ 7:25am EDT
Juts be Gay
I heard from a friend recently who told me about a recent conversation with a young friend over dinner. Seems the young man had recently split with a boyfriend after finding out that his man had been sleeping around.The conversation turned to gay men and sex. Why is it so hard to find a gay man who is interested in monogamy?My friend told me he was stumped and found the questions a bit haunting. What is it about gay men and sex? Are all gay men promiscuous? We may wince at the word "promiscuity," but research and personal experience both indicate that gay men have more sexual partners than heterosexual men. It's reasonable to question why that might be, and to think about the costs and benefits of our sexual choices.Sex is important to gay men. In addition to the obvious reason - sex is highly pleasurable - until recently sex between men was illegal, disapproved of and marginalized in most parts of our country. And gay male culture tends to be both sexy and sexualized. Ellen DeGeneres tells a joke about looking in the gay yellow pages when she first came out and remarking, "Wow! Look at the abs on that mortician!Gay men have always had long-term, committed and monogamous relationships, of course. That's quite an accomplishment when you consider all the obstacles placed in the way of such relationships' success: lack of legal recognition, frequent lack of family support, etc. But gay men don't always assume that sexuality can only be healthy in the context of a committed relationship. (Contrast this with the situation of heterosexuals, where sex is supposed to be only within marriage, yet sex outside of marriage isn't at all uncommon.
Aug 8th @ 6:00am EDT
Pin me
I have a little secret past-time which is giving me a large amount of pleasure at the moment. I always do it all alone, at least two times a day, and completely silently. It only takes up the use of one hand at any one time and there is absolutely no need to have the lights on. Calm down. I know what you're thinking. I realise writing about a secret on a blog is completely contradictory but I feel telling you about my Pinterest board will now put my worrying obsession with pink suits into some sort of context for you. I love Pinterest. I set up an account there a while back so I could build up pictures of my very own fantasy wedding. My account is imaginatively called, itsmyhusbandandme, and I've already "pinned" lots of pictures in there. For those of you who don't have a Pinterest account, or are not familiar with the concept, you get to search the web for hours on end for pictures of anything which specifically interests you and then "pin" them into your own personal album. As you can imagine there is already an indecent number of photographs of men in pink and an inordinate amount of cake layering going on in mine right now.Though, you'll be relieved to hear that as of yet, still no macaroons. If my friend ever accessed my album it would make him horribly nauseous. Let's keep it between us for now. Even when I was growing up and other boys my age were constructing complicated bits of working machinery with Lego or learning how to karate chop a small piece of balsa wood with their bare hand, I was busy pondering the benefits of colour co-ordinating my bedroom with shag pile and a Mexican throw. I could often be found happily cutting up back copies of my mother's Good Housekeeping with a pair of pinking shears and then storing odd photographs in my bottom drawer.
Aug 5th @ 3:44pm EDT
shortest blog
Last night one of my friend and I had a very heated debate in bed. For a moment it got all hot and torrid between the sheets, but not what I'd call in a good sex guide sort of way. He said that I had asked him a completely loaded question about our marriage plans. As a result he wouldn't now be able to get to sleep on account of the fact that he couldn't get the horrible mental image of what I'd asked him out of his head."Please would you stop asking me such ridiculous questions about our wedding plans just before I am about to turn the bedside lamp off," he shouted, before turning the bedside lamp off with a flourish.We lay in the dark. He had his head beneath his pillow. He said that he thought I was being completely unreasonable and intentionally controversial and that if I threw open the same question to all of the readers of this blog I would get exactly the same answer that he'd already given me. He dared me to do so. That way I'd hear some sanity from totally normal people from all around the world.This may be the shortest single blog I ever post here. So to merely prove that I am right and my friend is wrong I will ask you the same question I asked him last night in bed and then without any further hesitation, deviation, or duplication I will hit the publish button.
Aug 2nd @ 3:09pm EDT
My opinion
What happened to all the twinks? I'm not referring to the beautiful, jacked-up 20 year-old boys who make their livings dancing half naked on podiums and posing in their underwear. I'm referring to the skinny boys in midriffs, covered in glitter who weren't afraid to express their femininity. Ever since bigger became better and masculinity in the gay community became the norm for what is considered attractive, the image of the effeminate young gay guy who likes show tunes and tight fitting clothing has disappeared from public view. In his place are perfectly sculptured bodies of bros who dress like dudes who try to pass as jocks. With the onslaught of regularly updated images of 'masc' gay guys that fill our feeds and our minds and our fantasies, we have subconsciously been persuaded to value masculinity as desirable in a mate. As such, the colourful assortment of gay men that used to make up the spectrum of homosexuality has dwindled down to just a few archetypes that now form the basis of our aspirations.The twink of yesteryear has suffered the most in the age of masculinity. Unable to grow a beard or chest hair to keep up with changing tastes, his only option is to join a gym and exercise his femininity away. Turning his back on his nature and often mocking the person he once was, the 2015 twink strives to look like the cover model of a gay magazine or a YouTube star from a homoerotic underwear advertisement. He need to turn to athletic enhancers to increase his size because his naturally skinny frame won't develop as quickly as he would like. Striving for impossible perfection and acceptance, he looks to social media to parade his gains and show the world how far he has come from a girly boy to a man brimming with alluring bravado.
Jul 31st @ 6:02pm EDT
Toby boy
So once at work I decided to bounce some marriage plan ideas around with my assistant Toby. He is not gay and he has never been married but he is my only employee so my choice with whom to bounce was limited. I don't think he could have been closely checking the tracker he installed on my mobile phone to monitor my movements because he failed to notice me walk through the door. I caught him red handed reading a comic during work time. One of those weird Japanese comics where the pictures of the characters have little bodies but funny shaped heads and large almond eyes. I pretended not to notice even though just 10 minutes earlier I sent strict text instructions for him to urgently identify suppliers of antiqued wall sconces for a very important client."I have got this friend," I said casually, "A very good friend in fact. He just happens to be gay, lives in London, and is also an interior designer. He has incredible taste but let's just say he's got a problem."Oh?" said Toby, "How unfortunate." He closed his comic as a mark of respect. "I mean him having a problem, not that he sounds just incredibly like you." He had his eyebrow cocked. I was pleased I had him totally fooled."Yes," I said, "And his boyfriend of many, many years has just asked him to marry him.But here's the rub," I said chewing the end of my pen. Toby immediately started frowing and staring at my lips. As he is obsessive compulsive he disapproves of any chewing whatsoever and especially so when there is no actual swallowing. "He is getting a bit lost on the detail."
Jul 30th @ 8:18pm EDT
Stay Fit
I try not to be totally obsessed by how I look. I often watch re-runs of that TV show, Extreme Make-Over, purely to keep myself grounded and in the real world. If you have never seen it, it films a person who hates his or her entire body and turns him or her into someone who bears absolutely no resemblance to what they looked like just sixty minutes earlier. Only I think this is edited over weeks or possibly even months because some of the changes are so extreme you would go into body shock if they did it that quick. I'd definitely consider going on it. It's not that I am very unhappy with how I look but I do think there is always room for improvement when you get past the age of forty. I think many of the extreme make-overs the programme undertakes are what you should really call medical procedures. I expect the team at intensive care is never too far away, on call, fully scrubbed up and ready to roll. It also seems to involve some masked expert spending an awful lot of time enthusiastically extracting high volumes of body fat with a sharp ended metal pipe. I hope that is not in any way compulsory. I would be worried some mad plastic surgeon might get too vigorous and one suck with any zest would see my entire body shoot up through his hose. I really would hate to end it, concertinaed to the width of a pencil, forever peering out at the world from a waste disposal unit.Temptation is all around me. It's a culinary minefield. Sometimes my will power fluctuates but I generally stay slim by pretending peanut butter is an invention waiting to happen and that if I eat a dessert of any kind it will send me immediately into a coma. I can totally recommend this approach. When I look at New York baked cheesecake I always see oxygen tents. So,Stey Fit ;)
Jul 28th @ 11:36am EDT
Guido finally got round to testing my sexuality preferences and hesitantly asking me out on a first date. Was I married - he wanted to know? Did I have a girlfriend? - by any chance? On a scale of one to ten who did I find more attractive - Johnny Depp or Chuck Norris. He asked if I'd like to go to the cinema with him but when we got there it turned out the Curzon was full and we ended up back at his loft for a drink. Somewhere between finishing that drink and breakfast downstairs the next morning, we went to bed. But here is the thing, we went to bed, and then we went to sleep. I hadn't taken my clothes off in front of another man for about a year. Not since Coleman and that suit of armour. So I had gotten a bit out of practice fooling around. I realise taking your clothes off in front of another man is a bit like standing on one leg because once you have done it once it's one of those things you never forget how to do, even if you do have the lights switched off. Unfortunately on that particular occasion my body dis-morphia suddenly kicked in. This meant that just at the vital moment my underwear hit the carpet, I promptly burst into tears.Let me give any of you who are about to go out on a first date a bit of advice, particularly if this is likely to involve taking your clothes off in front of another man, do not start crying when you are naked. I can guarantee you this will broke the moment. It was just as well Guido had been awake since five a.m. grilling bacon. Thankfully he was exhausted and not really that fussed either way about making woopie.
Jul 27th @ 1:09am EDT
Looking for a job
This morning I had a meeting about a design job with a construction company at their head office in Athens. Despite the number of people travelling on London Underground it never ceases to amaze me who I can just randomly bump into. Tanya and I were, I'll describe this in the loosest possible sense, colleagues ten years ago. I recognised her immediately on account of the fact that she was wearing super sized spectacles and was waving at me with both hands whilst wiggling her exceedingly long fingers.Rewind ten years and if you happened to have been living in the county of Kent and you used to routinely listen to the radio, then you very well may already remember who I am. I wouldn't exactly call myself a celebrity but I regularly took part in a radio talk show dispensing advice to callers about interior design dilemmas. I was desperate for work, and exposure, so did it for free. The show was like a form of psychiatry only rather than discussing callers' personality disorders I analysed their choice of scatter cushions. On occasion I could cause quite a stir in Tunbridge Wells with my colour combos. The show used to air on Daytime Live and was slotted in between a political debate show where everybody screamed blue at one another, and a paranormal spiritualist medium who channelled dead people live on air. If you'll pardon the contradiction. Once a week any lunatic was encouraged to dial in and ask probing questions like "How can I make my wood chip wallpaper resemble Italian marble?" Sometimes if it was very light on calls the producer would brazenly trawl the lines for unsuspecting callers on hold just waiting for the next show to start. So someone who was actually anticipating a chat with his dead aunt could find himself unexpectedly discussing the adaptability of cork floor tiles with me.
Jul 25th @ 7:00pm EDT
talking abaut me
Just to explain why we were in bed but not sleeping or having sex, I like to watch TV there. Last night I was trying to decide whether or not I was really enjoying the latest Scandanavian drama to be imported over here. Although the TV in our bedroom is only at the end of our mattress it's still too small for me to read subtitles and unfortunately I can't speak Danish. They talk fast in Denmark and keeping up to speed with the plotline was impossible. Guido was propped up next to me flipping enthusiastically through the pages of a glossy new cookbook he has added to his collection. This one had an ominous photograph of a meat cleaver and a headless chicken on its cover. As you can tell the two of us really do have some pretty exciting evenings at home these days. We should start to think about organising our wedding." I announced. Taking this kind of approach was quite a bold tactic for me. My strategy for raising difficult topics to discuss with Guido has always been to slowly reel him in, like that great British idiom, so he's done up like a kipper. Apologies to my international readers, I realise you may have to go look that one up. What I mean is that whilst we might start out talking about one topic, like say Spanish football, in my mind I've already mapped out where I want the conversation to end, and that invariably involves agreeing that we should wallpaper the bedroom. Trust me my comment about marriage planning was said without any hint of Machiavelli plot or anything which might eventually involve having to rent a waterproof marquee.
Jul 25th @ 8:21am EDT
called Machiavelli
Last night Guido and I were in bed. I am getting a bit worried you might be thinking that there may be parts of my blog which are inexorably slipping towards innuendo describing Guido and me in the sack. I do apologise if it's beginning to have a rather familiar ring to it. However I thought you might be interested to know that statistically I had more hits on my blog called, "Faking it," than any of the others put together. I think this must mean there is a disproportionate number of people surfing the net for whom faking orgasms is more of an interest than having them, so they must have been pretty disappointed when they read my blog. To boost healthy search engine figures from now on I am considering tossing in a reference to sex in the title of all of my blogs so perhaps this one should be renamed "In Bed With Machiavelli." Just to explain why we were in bed but not sleeping or having sex, I like to watch TV there. Last night I was trying to decide whether or not I was really enjoying the latest Scandanavian drama to be imported over here. Although the TV in our bedroom is only at the end of our mattress it's still too small for me to read subtitles and unfortunately I can't speak Danish. They talk fast in Denmark and keeping up to speed with the plotline was impossible. Guido was propped up next to me flipping enthusiastically through the pages of a glossy new cookbook he has added to his collection. This one had an ominous photograph of a meat cleaver and a headless chicken on its cover. As you can tell the two of us really do have some pretty exciting evenings at home these days.
Jul 24th @ 1:37am EDT
the same story parth 2
I used to do this silly thing when I went into the café each lunchtime just to attract his attention. I know what you are thinking. Pass the sick bucket. I thought I was being really cute and flirtatious but other customers used to look at me like I was a complete whacko. I'd stand infront of the specials board and the sandwich fillings list and then ask Gudio to make something which wasn't up there. I'd say crazy things like, "I am in the mood for peanut butter and banana on toast," (if you are dieting avoid this) or, "Make my day special with stilton and marmalade on rye,"
Jul 23rd @ 7:58am EDT
food and sex
It got to the stage I was visiting The Spanish Onion so often under the pretence to eat that I was actually finding it difficult to fit in any work around my eating schedule. I was beginning to feel like some kind of stalker with an eating disorder. I thought Guido was hot and I was just praying that he thought I was at least lukewarm despite the fact that when he threw culinary references into our conversations I didn't know whether to fricassee or deglaze.
Jul 22nd @ 7:28pm EDT
spanish experience parth2
With hardly any knowledge of Spanish, you can become proficient in Grindr Spanish too. Truthfully, guys on Grindr are generally not so imaganitive, so a few stock phrases to use and understand can be very helpful. Save these to your phone and you'll be able to maximise your Grindr experience wherever you are in Latin America or Spain.
Jul 22nd @ 7:25pm EDT
Spanish experience
Let's be real. One of the best things about going to a Spanish speaking country is having the opportunity to hook up with a Latin lovely. But when your Spanish is less than perfect, this can be an obstacle. It is certainly not the case that all Spanish speaking parts of the world have English speakers, and from my own experience of living in Oaxaca, I almost always had to use Spanish with local gays.
Oct 8th @ 11:53pm EDT
hot boy
Hello again guys,yestarday I start my day like usualy:take my breackfast make a shower and then go at gym to pump my back and triceps.Was a hard day working at gym because I make some cardio too,after that take my protein and go to shower there was a skiny guy too,i say hallo and start make a hot shower with back at that guy,in a moment I feel a hot mouth and tongue in my hairy and sweat ass,i was in haven and that make my cock hard.After 10 min he say:please let me suck your cock too:i brink his head and start push my cock deep in his throat till I make him puke,wen I look at him he have tears on his eye in that moment I drop the soap and say to him to giv it to me back,wen I see his little white skiny ass i take him in my strong arms and push my hairy cock in his bitch ass and fuck him hard.The bitch srt scream and beg me to stop and in that moment other guy come at shower too wnd he see us smile and say to me:lets fuck that bitch boy hard and start pump his mouth with a big cock wen i fuck hiss ass.We fuck him 1 hour and let him there on the floor,i think he cant walk in that day;we destroy him too hard and force it to drink all awer load.I think he like itso,today is a new day and ho knows what is can happenind.Be careful guys maybe next time can be one of you kisssss
Oct 7th @ 8:32am EDT
Hello guys,today I relax in my private room with one of my slaves,he make me cum just liking my shity holle and then I asleep with his tongue in my ass.I wish that never end but I wait that faggot come again in my private and sit on his face and take his breath with my hairy ass.So,if u want be next ass slave wait you in my private room
Nov 22nd @ 3:15pm EST
domination,and abuse
I em a hairy master,and to day i punish my slave very bad i make it vomiting wen i push my cock deep in his mauth,and make it cry wen i fuck his ass,he beg for mercy and please to stop but i fuck it more harder.Do u want that happenind to you?Today i meet a slave in a cinema and i take all his money and abuse him in public,he cry like a bitch wen i push my cock in his ass,he sit on my lap and force it to take it all in his ass wen i look at the muvie.After we finish that he clean my bots and go togheter at his house and clean my socks and wash my dirty boxers with his tongue;i slap it hard and take his breath siting with my ass on his face.I fart alot in his mauth then we go at shower and he suck me 1 hour till i cum in his mauth then fuck his ass again till he beg to stop because his ass axplode.He cant walk 2 days after that experience but serch me again ;))))
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